
Module Contents



Accept None context manager. In that case do nothing, else execute


Context manager that automatically track added hooks on the model and remove them when


Report the time since this formatter is instantiated




Clean the filename so that it can be used as a valid filename


Log the message to a log file as info


Log the message to a log file as info


Log the message to the console

create_or_recreate_folder(path, nb_tries=3, wait_time_between_tries=2.0)

Check if the path exist. If yes, remove the folder then recreate the folder, else create it


Return a set of unique and easily distinguishable colors


Return a set of unique and easily distinguishable colors

get_class_name(mapping, classid)

get_classification_mappings(datasets_infos, dataset_name, split_name)

Return the output mappings of a classification output from the datasets infos

get_classification_mapping(datasets_infos, dataset_name, split_name, output_name)

Return the output mappings of a classification output from the datasets infos

set_optimizer_learning_rate(optimizer, learning_rate)

Set the learning rate of the optimizer to a specific value

transfer_batch_to_device(batch, device, non_blocking=True)

Transfer the Tensors and numpy arrays to the specified device. Other types will not be moved.

get_device(module, batch=None)

Return the device of a module. This may be incorrect if we have a module split accross different devices

find_default_dataset_and_split_names(datasets, default_dataset_name=None, default_split_name=None, train_split_name=None)

Return a good choice of dataset name and split name, possibly not the train split.


Make random index triplets (anchor, positive, negative) such that anchor and positive

make_pair_indices(targets, same_target_ratio=0.5)

Make random indices of pairs of samples that belongs or not to the same target.

update_json_config(path_to_json, config_update)

Update a JSON document stored on a local drive.

prepare_loss_terms(outputs, batch, is_training)

Return the loss_terms for the given outputs

default_sum_all_losses(dataset_name, batch, loss_terms)

Default loss is the sum of all loss terms

postprocess_batch(dataset_name, split_name, batch, callbacks_per_batch, batch_id=None)

Post process a batch of data (e.g., this can be useful to add additional

apply_spectral_norm(module, n_power_iterations=1, eps=1e-12, dim=None, name='weight', discard_layer_types=(torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d, torch.nn.InstanceNorm3d))

Apply spectral norm on every sub-modules

apply_gradient_clipping(module: torch.nn.Module, value)

Apply gradient clipping recursively on a module as callback.




Clean the filename so that it can be used as a valid filename


Log the message to a log file as info :param msg: :return:


Log the message to a log file as info :param msg: :return:


Log the message to the console :param msg: :return:

trw.train.utilities.create_or_recreate_folder(path, nb_tries=3, wait_time_between_tries=2.0)

Check if the path exist. If yes, remove the folder then recreate the folder, else create it

  • path – the path to create or recreate

  • nb_tries – the number of tries to be performed before failure

  • wait_time_between_tries – the time to wait before the next try


True if successful or False if failed.


Return a set of unique and easily distinguishable colors :return: a list of RBG colors


Return a set of unique and easily distinguishable colors :return: a list of RBG colors

trw.train.utilities.get_class_name(mapping, classid)
trw.train.utilities.get_classification_mappings(datasets_infos, dataset_name, split_name)

Return the output mappings of a classification output from the datasets infos

  • datasets_infos – the info of the datasets

  • dataset_name – the name of the dataset

  • split_name – the split name


a dictionary {outputs: {‘mapping’: {name->ID}, ‘mappinginv’: {ID->name}}}

trw.train.utilities.get_classification_mapping(datasets_infos, dataset_name, split_name, output_name)

Return the output mappings of a classification output from the datasets infos

  • datasets_infos – the info of the datasets

  • dataset_name – the name of the dataset

  • split_name – the split name

  • output_name – the output name


a dictionary {‘mapping’: {name->ID}, ‘mappinginv’: {ID->name}}

trw.train.utilities.set_optimizer_learning_rate(optimizer, learning_rate)

Set the learning rate of the optimizer to a specific value

  • optimizer – the optimizer to update

  • learning_rate – the learning rate to set



trw.train.utilities.transfer_batch_to_device(batch, device, non_blocking=True)

Transfer the Tensors and numpy arrays to the specified device. Other types will not be moved.

  • batch – the batch of data to be transferred

  • device – the device to move the tensors to

  • non_blocking – non blocking memory transfer to GPU


a batch of data on the specified device

class trw.train.utilities.NullableContextManager(base_context_manager: Optional[Any])

Accept None context manager. In that case do nothing, else execute the context manager enter and exit.

This is a helper class to simplify the handling of possibly None context manager.

__exit__(self, type, value, traceback)
class trw.train.utilities.CleanAddedHooks(model)

Context manager that automatically track added hooks on the model and remove them when the context is released

__exit__(self, type, value, traceback)
static record_hooks(module_source)

Record hooks :param module_source: the module to track the hooks


at tuple (forward, backward). forward and backward are a dictionary of hooks ID by module

trw.train.utilities.get_device(module, batch=None)

Return the device of a module. This may be incorrect if we have a module split accross different devices

class trw.train.utilities.RuntimeFormatter(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: logging.Formatter

Report the time since this formatter is instantiated

formatTime(self, record, datefmt=None)

Return the creation time of the specified LogRecord as formatted text.

This method should be called from format() by a formatter which wants to make use of a formatted time. This method can be overridden in formatters to provide for any specific requirement, but the basic behaviour is as follows: if datefmt (a string) is specified, it is used with time.strftime() to format the creation time of the record. Otherwise, an ISO8601-like (or RFC 3339-like) format is used. The resulting string is returned. This function uses a user-configurable function to convert the creation time to a tuple. By default, time.localtime() is used; to change this for a particular formatter instance, set the ‘converter’ attribute to a function with the same signature as time.localtime() or time.gmtime(). To change it for all formatters, for example if you want all logging times to be shown in GMT, set the ‘converter’ attribute in the Formatter class.

trw.train.utilities.find_default_dataset_and_split_names(datasets, default_dataset_name=None, default_split_name=None, train_split_name=None)

Return a good choice of dataset name and split name, possibly not the train split.

  • datasets – the datasets

  • default_dataset_name – a possible dataset name. If None, find a suitable dataset, if not, the dataset must be present

  • default_split_name – a possible split name. If None, find a suitable split, if not, the dataset must be present. if train_split_name is specified, the selected split name will be different from train_split_name

  • train_split_name – if not None, exclude the train split


a tuple (dataset_name, split_name)

Make random index triplets (anchor, positive, negative) such that anchor and positive

belong to the same target while negative belongs to a different target


targets – a 1D integral tensor in range [0..C]


a tuple of indices (samples, samples_positive, samples_negative)

trw.train.utilities.make_pair_indices(targets, same_target_ratio=0.5)

Make random indices of pairs of samples that belongs or not to the same target.

  • same_target_ratio – specify the ratio of same target to be generated for sample pairs

  • targets – a 1D integral tensor in range [0..C] to be used to group the samples into same or different target


a tuple with (samples_0 indices, samples_1 indices, same_target)

trw.train.utilities.update_json_config(path_to_json, config_update)

Update a JSON document stored on a local drive.

  • path_to_json – the path to the local JSON configuration

  • config_update – a possibly nested dictionary

trw.train.utilities.prepare_loss_terms(outputs, batch, is_training)

Return the loss_terms for the given outputs

trw.train.utilities.default_sum_all_losses(dataset_name, batch, loss_terms)

Default loss is the sum of all loss terms

trw.train.utilities.postprocess_batch(dataset_name, split_name, batch, callbacks_per_batch, batch_id=None)

Post process a batch of data (e.g., this can be useful to add additional data to the current batch)

  • dataset_name (str) – the name of the dataset the batch belongs to

  • split_name (str) – the name of the split the batch belongs to

  • batch – the current batch of data

  • callbacks_per_batch (list) – the callbacks to be executed for each batch. Each callback must be callable with (dataset_name, split_name, batch). if None, no callbacks

  • batch_id – indicate the current batch within an epoch. May be None. This can be useful for embedding optimizer within a module (e.g., scheduler support)

trw.train.utilities.apply_spectral_norm(module, n_power_iterations=1, eps=1e-12, dim=None, name='weight', discard_layer_types=(torch.nn.InstanceNorm2d, torch.nn.InstanceNorm3d))

Apply spectral norm on every sub-modules

  • module – the parent module to apply spectral norm

  • discard_layer_types – the layers_legacy of this type will not have spectral norm applied

  • n_power_iterations – number of power iterations to calculate spectral norm

  • eps – epsilon for numerical stability in calculating norms

  • dim – dimension corresponding to number of outputs, the default is 0, except for modules that are instances of ConvTranspose{1,2,3}d, when it is 1

  • name – name of weight parameter


the same module as input module

trw.train.utilities.apply_gradient_clipping(module: torch.nn.Module, value)

Apply gradient clipping recursively on a module as callback.

Every time the gradient is calculated, it is intercepted and clipping applied.

  • module – a module where sub-modules will have their gradients clipped

  • value – the maximum value of the gradient

class trw.train.utilities.RunMetadata(options: Optional[trw.train.options.Options], history: Optional[trw.basic_typing.History], outputs: Optional[Any], datasets_infos: Optional[trw.basic_typing.DatasetsInfo] = None, class_name: Optional[str] = None)